Author: Ian Hetherington

How to easily change the code on your keypad lock

man opening combination keypad lock with code on metal gate

One of the benefits of using a keypad lock is that you can easily change the code when staff changes or in case of a security breach.

Whether you’ve got one of our Select Pro or Superlock digital gate locks, you can change the code yourself.

Below we have compiled our handy instruction videos showing you exactly how to change the code on your digital lock.

How to change the code

Select Pro keypad locks

The Select Pro range is our classic bolt-on lock range, which features a square lock case.

The Select Pro keypad locks include the following variations:

  • DGL – double-sided digital lock
  • DGLS – single-sided digital lock
  • DGLW – double-sided digital lock, surface-fixed
  • DGLSW – single-sided digital lock, surface-fixed
  • SBQEDGLW – surface-fixed quick exit, digital access

To change the code on these keypad locks in the Select Pro range, please follow the steps in the below video.

Code changing video for DGLS:

Please use the video as a guide. If your lock isn’t in the video, please note that precise code changing instructions are provided with the lock.

Code changing video for the DGL:

Code changing video for the DGLW and SBQEDGLW:


Superlock keypad locks

The Superlock is our iconic rectangular locks, and the range includes different versions with mechanical keypads.

The Superlock range includes the following digital code options:

  • BDGS – single-sided digital lock
  • BDG – double-sided digital lock
  • BQDG – quick exit lock with keypad on one side
  • RapidReset – change the code in just ten seconds

The video below shows how to successfully disassemble each of our Superlock digital keypad locks mentioned above. Our technical manager Ian then goes through the actual code changing process and how to assemble each lock again.

Please use the video as a guide. If your lock isn’t in the video, please note that precise code changing instructions are provided with the lock.

Do you still have questions about how to change your keypad lock?

Give us a call on +44 (0) 1243 558 580 and our technical department will be able to guide you every step of the way.

Read more

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The Superlock – Now a Stainless Steel Lock!

You might have had the pleasure of meeting our superhero, the Superlock – a lock that’s been busy keeping gates safe and helping gate professionals from all across the globe. But as the reach expanded to new territories and the challenges grew with it, it was time to upgrade the armour. So, without further ado […]

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Schlüsselloses Kombinationsschloss für Holztore

Wondering what the benefits for a keyless lock for wooden gates are? Keyless entry for wooden gates is increasingly popular for gate owners.  Door locks with a combination code are frequently used internally in buildings, for convenience and also security. There are a number of advantages of this method of securing a point of entry, […]

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Choose the Right Gate Lock: Superlock or Select Pro?

It can be difficult to choose the right gate lock solution for your project, and even more so when there are many similar products on the market. At Gatemaster we always want to make life easier for gate manufacturers, which is why we’ve developed several gate lock ranges with this in mind. Two of our […]

Führen Sie Ihre Tore mit einem Torband an

Torband an grünem Metalltor mit Haken- und Ösenscharnieren installiert

Zu Beginn dieses Jahres haben wir unseren Prototyp eines Torbandes auf der Messe Perimeter Protection 2020 in Nürnberg vorgestellt – und er war ein großer Erfolg! Diese Rückhaltevorrichtung wurde entwickelt, um die Anforderungen der DIN EN 12604 zu erfüllen und zu verhindern, dass Ihre Tore umkippen, falls das obere Scharnier versagen sollte.

Leider gibt es bei jedem größeren Sturm mindestens ein paar Stellen wie diese, an denen ein Tor aus den Angeln gerissen wird, was oft zu schweren Schäden und Haftungen führt. Also haben wir den Torbegrenzer, entwickelt, der da ist, wenn er gebraucht wird, aber ansonsten (fast) unsichtbar bleibt.

Die Organisation Gate Safe empfiehlt ein Torband als großartige Alternative, um die Sicherheit am “zentralen Fehlerpunkt”, d. h. den Scharnieren, zu erhöhen. Dies ist eine Folge der neuen verbindlichen Vorschrift (British Standard EN 12604:2017), die 3 Scharniere für alle neuen Flügeltore vorschreibt. Ein solches Torband ist optisch unauffällig und lässt sich leicht an einem bestehenden Tor anbringen. Es erhöht jedoch die Sicherheit erheblich und hilft, die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen einzuhalten.

Konstruktion des Torbandes

Wir wollten unsere Torbegrenzer einfach und funktionell gestalten.  Man könnte es als  den Airbag für Ihr Tor bezeichnen::Ordentlich verstaut, in der Hoffnung, dass Sie ihn nie brauchen, aber da, um Sie vor einer Katastrophe zu bewahren.

Torband mit Endanschlägen aus Messing und Gummi an jedem Ende

Unsere Torsicherung ist aus flexiblem, geflochtenem Edelstahldraht gefertigt. Genau wie eine Hundeleine kann sie in Ihrem Torpfosten versteckt bleiben und herausgleiten, wenn sich das Tor bewegt, so dass eine 180°-Öffnung möglich ist.

Dank seiner einzigartigen Konstruktion passt das Band in ein 13mm Rundloch – sehr unauffällig und unglaublich einfach vor Ort zu installieren.

Materialien, die wir verwendet haben:

  • Geflochtener Edelstahldraht
  • Hochbelastbare Anschläge aus Edelstahl
  • Kupferspitzen
  • Kunststoffbuchsen zum Schutz Ihres Tores vor Kratzern

Die Sicherheit

Weißes Tor mit Torband und gebrochenem oberen Scharnier. Torflügel hat Blöcke mit "20 kg" aufgemalt

Angesichts seines schlanken Aussehens könnte man meinen, dass dieser Fesselträger ein ‘Schwächling’ ist, aber nichts ist weniger wahr! Wir haben 2 Versionen entwickelt, um ein breiteres Anwendungsspektrum zu ermöglichen: Der GRS-03 kann Tore bis zu 260 kg tragen und der GRS-04 kann  dank seines 4 mm dicken Drahts und der verstärkten Platten  bis zu 500 kg tragen.

Aber verlassen Sie sich nicht nur auf unser Wort. Wir haben beide Versionen ordnungsgemäß getestet und stellen Ihnen die vollständigen Berichte unten zur Verfügung.

Geflochtene Edelstahl-Torseile in Bündeln, fertig zum Drucktest

Darüber hinaus wird jedes Torband vor dem Versand  gemäß unseren strengen Qualitätskontrollstandards getestet.

Laden Sie den GRS-03 Testbericht herunter (PDF)
Laden Sie den GRS-04 Testbericht herunter (PDF)

Vorsicht ist besser als Nachsicht!

In einem kürzlich erschienenen Artikel in der Zeitschrift Fencing Observer (FOBS) wurde ein Fall erwähnt, bei dem der Torinstallateur eine hohe Geldstrafe für das umgefallene Tor erhielt (FOBS 108, Mai 2020). Das sind Situationen, die wir alle zu vermeiden hoffen!

Wir von Gatemaster stellen Produkte her, die Herstellern und Installateuren von Toren auf der ganzen Welt dabei helfen, großartige Produkte zu entwickeln, die gut funktionieren und ihre Kunden sicher und zufrieden stellen.

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Torband-Produktseite hier!

Suchen Sie nach weiteren Informationen oder Vertriebsdetails?  Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an sales(@) oder rufen Sie uns an unter +44 (0)1243 552066.


Gate lock guide: Why you should choose a bolt-on gate lock

If you look closely at the gates in your street, you will find bolt-on gate locks a common sight on metal gates.

Bolt-on gate locks are fixed to the frame of the gate with bolts or screws as shown below. They are usually installed symmetrically on the gate frame and are visible from both the inside and outside.

a bolt-on gate lock fitted in a metal gate

Bolt-on locks don’t require any cutting or welding of the gate making them a convenient lock choice for many installers.

What are the main benefits of a bolt-on gate lock?

Less work:

As you do not need to cut or weld your gate frame, you only need to drill a few holes, which is much easier and quicker to do. Installing such a lock is literally tightening up the screws. Imagine, how much time you will save if you do not need to clean and brush your welds!
We have actually timed how long it took one of our colleagues to install such a lock, you can see our video here:

The symmetry:

Bolt-on gate locks are installed symmetrically, which not only looks great, but allows you to have the same gate wing for both left-opening or right-opening situations. Which, again, saves time and helps you to avoid costly mistakes.

Easy installation:

As we discussed above, a bolt-on gate lock is very easy to install. This means that anyone can do it. You don’t need to have a skilled welder or cut a precise slot in the gate frame. In fact, these bolt-on gate locks are notoriously popular amongst the DIY-enthusiasts as well as fabricators.

Economies of scale:

When working with bolt-on locks, there are usually different models available that fit in the same way. Thanks to this you can prepare all your gate frames beforehand in the same way. This means you can have a standard production process and gain from economies of scale.

You can then stock these gates without risking any mismatch. Your customer can still get a ton of personalisation in the last stage of the selection, since any of your locks would fit in that gate regardless.

Early preparation:

A quick delivery process can be a huge advantage in the fencing market where seasonality plays a big role, and the summers can get really busy fast.

Therefore, having a quick process can help you better manage your work, handle more projects and get more done!

With a bolt-on gate lock, you can have the holes pre-drilled in the factory even before choosing the colour, and the installation of any bolt-on lock will be done quickly and precisely on site.

Where are bolt-on locks most commonly used?

Forged gates. You can see a lot of bolt-on locks used on forged gates that have flat bars like the below example.

The open design of the gate invites for a visible lock box. In addition, other locks might not be suitable for this style of metal gates. For example, the flat bars are not suitable for mortice locks due to the limited thickness of the bars. A weld-in lock box requires quite a bit of extra work in such a gate and doesn’t have any obvious advantages, so bolt-on gate locks remain a great solution for this type of metal gate.

Open-space fencing. Gates with mesh panels, metal bars or palisade fencing are often seen in the cities, around sports grounds or industry terrains. Such fencing does not obstruct the view too much and allows for visibly ‘open space’ – hence the name – while still requiring a quality working gate.

As these gates typically have simple, minimalistic design, bolt-on locks fit right in with their easy, standardised installation and symmetrical look.

Large perimeter projects. Building on the previous point, open-space fencing is often used around stadiums, city parks, local building developments, inside or outside logistic centres and large machine parks.

An important characteristic of such projects is that they need to be uniform and very cost-effective. Function takes precedence over appearance.

As discussed above, a bolt-on gate lock works great with economies of scale, both during production and installation, so this is a great option in such a situation.

How does a bolt-on gate lock compare to other lock types?

Mortice locks:

Compared to mortice locks, bolt-on gate locks are much easier to install, since the mortice lock require very precise cut-outs on 3 sides of the frame tube. It is therefore rather difficult to retrofit a mortice lock onto an existing gate. The bolt-on lock, on the other hand, can be installed by almost anyone on a new or existing gate.

However, mortice locks offer an aesthetic look, where the infill on both the gate and the rest of the fence look uniform, without the lock or anything else breaking the lines.

This can be especially important on gates that are filled up with composite or timber; as some bolt-on locks have rounded shape, it can be difficult to make a precise cut-out in the infill.

Weld-in locks:

A bolt-on gate lock will have a fixed width and size, which can be harder to install on some design-forward realisations, or which can look out of place in some cases.

Weld-in locks usually come with welding boxes in different thickness, which allows you to have very clean, uniform lines.

Some manufacturers favour the weld-in locks above mortice locks too, since they would only need to cut out one square piece of the gate frame, and not the precise cut-outs on 3 sides required for mortice locks.

Asymmetrical surface-fixed locks:

There is a variety of locks in the market that are fixed on the gate on one side (usually, on the inside), so they are not visible at all from the street. This is typically done on solid gates that do not allow the installation of the bolt-on lock.

The advantage of such a solution is that you have no gap between your gate and your post, comparable to your inside door, where it is impossible to peak in from the outside.

This is, however, also the biggest disadvantage: gates are constantly exposed to the outside elements and need some space to crip and expand to be able to function properly. There are not a lot of solutions in the market that are designed with this in mind, so this can result in a badly functioning gate.

Why choose a bolt-on lock?

The above is a few of the reasons why our customers love the bolt-on locks and our own Superlock range remains one of our bestsellers. But if your gate hardware heart leans towards weld-in or mortice locks, there are plenty of reasons why these types are favoured. You can find out why in our other gate lock guides on weld-in locks and mortice locks.

Gate lock guide: Why you should choose a weld-in gate lock

You might be wondering how do you weld a lock? We’re here to help answer that!

A weld-in gate lock essentially consists of a weldable box and an internal lock mechanism. The weldable box has been prepared to fit the lock mechanism, which can be installed after the lock has been welded.

How to install a weld-in gate lock

In order to install a weldable lock, you have to measure the gate frame and cut out a piece of it to fit the weld in lock box. Once this has been done, the lock box (without the lock mechanism inside) is welded into place. The entire gate frame can then be sent off to be galvanised and painted.

a weld-in gate lock installed in a box section metal gate

Once the gate has been painted, you can install the lock mechanism.

This is usually done with the supplied fixing bolts to fix the lock mechanism in place within the weld in lock box. Now the gate frame is ready to be installed in its final place with the lock in place and fully integrated in the gate frame.

Here are some benefits of a weld-in gate lock

This process might seem a bit lengthy, so why should you use a weld-in lock on your gate?

  1. Straight forward manufacture: As mentioned above, it is easy enough to weld in a square (or a rectangular) box to the frame, without needing to provide precise cut-outs.
  2. Design: The weldable lock boxes can easily be integrated with the gate design. As the weld-in box is treated and painted together with the rest of the gate, the whole look is more harmonious.
  3. Easy replacement: Should you need to replace the lock mechanism; this can easily be achieved. Just remove the lock mechanism while the weld-in box stays safely in the frame.
  4. Back set: A weld-in box allows you to have a bigger back set size, which can be beneficial for large gates that require a wide stop plate.
  5. Durability: As the lock mechanism is safely protected from all sides against water and dirt, the lock can last longer.

When to use a weld-in gate lock?

Generally speaking, a weld-in box is a labour-intensive alternative that offers a deep integration of the lock box and the gate frame.

Thanks to this, such weld-in locks are used in situations where the look of the gate plays a large role. Forged gates with unique designs, specifically crafted cover plates or modern-style gates with decorative steel sheets as infill would all often use such weld-in locks.

In comparison

The main alternative to a weld-in gate lock is using an insert gate lock, which is also integrated into the gate. For some projects though, insert gate locks might be deemed too small or not secure enough, or alternatively, would be impossible to install due to technical limitations.

Mortice locks require precise cut-outs in the gate frame, which isn’t always possible to do easily. Mortice locks do traditionally have a shorter back set, which doesn’t always work on larger gates. Therefore, weld-in locks provide a great, durable alternative and a clean finished look for your gate.

Additionally, very large gates constructed with larger box section tubes could also benefit from using the weld-in fence gate lock. The latch on bolt-on locks might not be long enough, and the back set on the insert lock might not be sufficient. In this case, the weld-in lock option is the best alternative for these larger industrial gates.

It goes without saying that bolt-on locks are much easier to install. However, those only come in one width, while a weld-in gate lock can fit the exact width of the gate frame, providing a clean visual line.

Want to know more about the alternative fence gate locks out there? Check out our other guides about fence locks below!

Gate lock guide: Why you should choose a morticed gate lock

Everyone has come across a mortice lock because they are commonly used on regular doors. Using this type of locks on gates, however, has its own benefits and disadvantages.

Read on as we go through what a mortice lock is, where it can be used and how it compares to other lock types.

What is a morticed gate lock and when should I use it?

If you already know what a mortice lock is, you can skip this part and go straight to the next where we discuss the benefits of this lock type.

For those who aren’t aware, a morticed gate lock is known as an insert lock. This lock type is mortised into a slot in the gate frame, which hides the actual internal lock mechanism within the gate frame. You will therefore only see the handles and cylinder when the gate is locked. This makes it a very inconspicuous lock, and popular for that exact reason.

a morticed gate lock on top of a hedge

What are the benefits of a morticed gate lock?

  1. Inobtrusive: As we have already covered, the lock blends in thanks to the way it’s installed. This means they can be used on a variety of gate designs without sticking out. This allows you to use different types of infills, offering your customers a wide range of designs and materials for their gates.
  2. Customisations: You can keep the same lock and offer an array of different handles and cover plates, so that your customers can go wild with their design choices, while your lock – and your work process – stay the same.

Where are these locks used?

  1. Doors: this is pretty obvious, but many gates are manufactured in exactly the same configurations as inside doors, therefore, the locking system stayed the same.
  2. Wooden gates: the most common use for a mortice gate lock is wooden gates and frames. There aren’t too many options for such gates other than sliding bolts, surface-fixed locks, and mortice gate locks.
  3. Solid gates: gates with composite or timber infill are often equipped with mortice locks. This allows you to keep the design of the gate uniform, as you do not need to make a larger cut in the infill.

How do mortice gate locks compare to other alternatives?

First alternative is a morticed door lock designed for inside use. A lock is a lock, right? However, your inside door is not influenced by the weather and other elements, so the requirements to the hardware are not the same.

You have probably encountered gates that are “locked”, but can be easily open with a simple push? This is due to inadequate hardware.

As any materials shrink and expand due to hot weather, rain, snow and other elements, your gate can change shape quite a bit, but the lock needs to stay securely closed at all times. Therefore, you need a bigger latch and adjusted inside mechanics.

Moreover, the inside and outside parts of the lock need to be designed to withstand the weather – otherwise, it will go rusty and start jamming in no time. Mortice locks designed specifically for outdoor use is therefore the recommended option.

Another alternative is a bolt-on gate lock. The mortice gate lock requires three precise cut-outs on three sides of the frame to be installed, while bolt-on locks require just a few holes through the gate frame. They are therefore much easier to install than a mortice lock.

Compared to a mortice lock, bolt-on locks are bulkier, more visible and can prove more complicated if you need to cut infill around them. Most bolt-on locks do come in different types, such as digital locks or quick exit pads, offering wider flexibility.

Weld-in locks are also used often for gates that have a particular design. When a forged gate is constructed out of flat metal bars rather than box section, a weld-in lock could potentially be the only option. Mortice locks require a certain thickness in order to fit within the box section. They therefore can’t be used on frames that are smaller.

Alternatively, a weld-in lock can be used to make sure the lock box is the same width as the box section.

A morticed gate lock is obviously easier to install in such cases, as it does not require any welding, but still requires precision cuts.

Going all in with a morticed gate lock

Hopefully the above has answered your question “What is a morticed gate lock?” and given some insights into the benefits of it. In summary, mortice locks are perfect if you are after a gate lock that is discreet, can be customised and used on a variety of gate materials. If you want to learn a bit more about other lock types, check out our two other Gate Lock Guides:

Our gateway to quality – ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Gatemaster Ltd (encompassing Gatemaster and Gatemaster Offshore) has just become an ISO9001:2015 certified business.

It has always been our aim to supply products and services which meet or exceed customers’ needs and expectations and achieving ISO 9001 reinforces our commitment towards sustaining this strategy.

Our ISO9001:2015 certified Quality Management System supports our strategic direction to supply quality products to all gate professionals around the World in an efficient manner, to reduce their risk from supply chain and product errors.

We are committed to using our quality system to meet objectives, satisfy applicable requirements and to make the various tasks more rewarding for everyone involved. In turn fewer mistakes will be made, and internal and external customers will be happier resulting in an improved atmosphere.

Everyone is responsible for applying and improving the Gatemaster Quality Management System because it takes less time to do a job correctly first time, every time.

Our Quality Management System, which we have named “The Gateway to Quality”, encompasses the design, manufacture, assembly, and distribution of metal and wooden gate hardware for domestic, commercial, and offshore applications covering products we manufacture and supply on an on-going, regular basis as well as one-off special projects which require bespoke engineering and project management.

Achieving this certification is a massive step for us. Being a manufacturing company, we have always worked to the best quality throughout our operations. Having the ISO 9001:2015 certificate shows the world that we will always strive to deliver the best results to our customers, partners, and internal and external stakeholders”.

Simon Napthine, Managing Director

At Gatemaster, the BSI auditors were impressed by the level of commitment by the business to use best practice tools such as Strategy Deployment (Hoshin Kanri). This tool has become an integral part of the business whereby focused breakthrough objectives are cascaded throughout the organisation and everyone is focused on delivering these goals as a team. Key Performance Indicators on monthly report-out visuals (known as ‘Bowlers’) ensure that we do not deviate from our collective aims and focus on actioning any required countermeasures whenever a ‘miss’ occurs. This ensures that ‘we will not sit upon our laurels’ and will continue to strive for excellence in delivering customer satisfaction.

This certificate hasn’t come easy as every employee at Gatemaster will attest to, but with the hard work of our dedicated colleagues, we can now proudly announce our success to the world…

We are ISO9001:2015 certified!

Snapshots from our factory

Latch length: How long are the latch bolts on our bolt-on locks?

We often get asked questions regarding the latch lengths for our bolt-on locks:

  • How long is it?
  • How much does it throw?
  • How much will it stick out?

close up image of latch bolt on bolt-on lock for metal gate

To make an easy overview of the different measurements above, we have created this guide for our bolt-on lock ranges – the Superlock and the Select Pro range.

Below you will find a drawing outlining the different key measurements to know about latch bolts and dead bolts as well as a table overview with all the measurements for our locks.

The table is split into the lock variation as we have two sizes:

  1. 10-30mm gate frames
  2. 40-60mm gate frames

When checking the dimensions for your lock, please check the product code and size for the right dimensions.

Deadbolt and latch length (bolt-on locks)

The actual dimensions that the latch will protrude from the front plate of the lock are shown in the diagram and chart below.

Dimension A in the below overview shows the dead bolt/latch bolt dimensions from the front of the bolt-on lock and through the gate frame when the lock isn’t operated (resting). All our bolts are adjustable by simply twisting the bolt in or out and locking in place with the supplied allen key. In the table further down you can find the minimum and maximum parameters of the bolts based on their adjustability.

Dimension B is the latching movement. This is how much the latch retracts when the handle is operated, pulling the latch back. The latching movement enables the gate to be pushed shut as the bolt will retract as it hits the striker and then spring out into the keep or post, holding it closed.

Dimension C is then the deadlocking (extending) movement and only applies to the locks that can be deadbolted extra. When turning the key to deadlock the gate, the dead bolt will extend this much into the gate post.

Please find all the measurements in the two tables below. Note that these only apply to our bolt-on locks in the Superlock and the Select Pro ranges.

Diagram of latch lengths of bolt-on locks within gate frame.
Dimension explainer:
A = How far the locking bolt protrudes from the lock in its standard resting position
B = Latching (retracting) movement
C = Deadlocking (extending) movement
Ø = Diameter of the locking bolt

Latch lengths for 10-30mm gate frame bolt-on locks

ProductA – length, minA – length, maxB – latching movementC – deadlock movement
Superlock BLD
27 mm53 mm15 mm15 mm
Superlock BD
15 mm43 mmN/A15 mm
Superlock BDG
27 mm53 mm15 mmN/A
Superlock BDGS
27 mm53 mm15 mmN/A
Superlock BQK
27 mm53 mm15 mmN/A
Superlock BQDG
27 mm53 mm15 mmN/A
Select Pro SBD
11 mm38 mmN/A30 mm
Select Pro SBLD
26 mm54 mm13 mm30 mm
Select Pro SBKLLT
34 mm62 mm20 mmN/A
Select Pro SBL
22 mm54 mm13 mmN/A
Select Pro DGL
35 mm65 mm22 mmN/A
Select Pro DGLS
35 mm65 mm22 mmN/A
Select Pro SBQEDGL
35 mm65 mm22 mmN/A
Select Pro SBQEKL
35 mm65 mm22 mmN/A

Latch lengths for 40-60mm gate frame bolt-on locks

ProductA – length, minA – length, maxB – latching movementC – deadlock movement
Superlock BLD
57 mm83 mm15 mm15 mm
Superlock BD
45 mm73 mmN/A15 mm
Superlock BDG
58 mm84 mm15 mmN/A
Superlock BDGS
58 mm84 mm15 mmN/A
Superlock BQK
58 mm84 mm15 mmN/A
Superlock BQDG
58 mm84 mm15 mmN/A
Select Pro SBD
40 mm68 mmN/A30 mm
Select Pro SBLD
58 mm86 mm13 mm30 mm
Select Pro SBKLLT
68 mm95 mm20 mmN/A
Select Pro SBL
60 mm86 mm13 mmN/A
Select Pro DGL
68 mm95 mm22 mmN/A
Select Pro DGLS
68 mm95 mm22 mmN/A
Select Pro SBQEDGL
68 mm95 mm22 mmN/A
Select Pro SBQEKL
68 mm95 mm22 mmN/A

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Das Superheldenschloss für Metalltore

Das Superschloss. Bild, das ein Torschloss mit einem Superheldenumhang zeigt.

Obwohl Sie vielleicht denken, dass es sich nur um ein Schloss für Metalltore handelt, halten wir unser Superschloss für einen echten Superhelden!  Einerseits gibt es eine Vielzahl verschiedener “Outfits”, die viele verschiedene Lösungen bieten. Außerdem wird es von allen Torbesitzern, die eines der Schlösser installiert haben, wegen seiner Zuverlässigkeit und sauberen Ästhetik geliebt.

Aber das ist nicht der Hauptgrund!

Wir glauben, dass der größte Vorteil des Systems darin liegt, was es für die Tor-Profis tun kann: Es macht ihnen das Leben leichter, spart ihnen Zeit und Geld und lässt jede Arbeit großartig und professionell aussehen. Ein echter Superheld, der Ihnen hilft, ganz gleich, um welche Krise oder dringende Aufgabe es sich handelt.

Deshalb haben wir für unser Superschloss eine eigene Seite mit allen wichtigen Informationen eingerichtet. Zum Beispiel, wie einfach es zu installieren ist; die verschiedenen Schlosstypen, die im Sortiment enthalten sind; und natürlich alle technischen Details und Spezifikationen, die Ihr Herz begehrt.

Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten, besuchen Sie die Seite mit den Produkthighlights über den folgenden Link, um die gesamte The Superlock Rangekennenzulernen. In unserem Sortiment finden SieRiegelschlösser, Schnellausgänge und digitale Codeschlösser für Metalltore sowie Sicherheitsverriegelungen, die verhindern, dass jemand das Tor aufstemmt.

Rufen Sie uns einfach an unter +44 (0)1243 552066 oder schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail an sales@gatemasterlocks.  com und wir besprechen gerne alles über unser Superschloss mit Ihnen!

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Erfahren Sie hiermehr über die Änderungen in Bezug auf Edelstahl .


Ultraleicht, sehr effektiv – Aushebesicherung zum Aufstecken

Metalltor vor der Hecke

Gerne geben wir unser Wissen und unsere Erfahrung an unsere Kunden weiter, aber wir lernen auch viel von ihnen allen. Dieser Blogbeitrag wurde also tatsächlich von unseren Kunden inspiriert. Nach den jüngsten Diebstählen von Bauernhoftoren in der Umgebung von Bognor Regis haben unsere Partner vor Ort darauf hingewiesen, dass unser SCP- Sicherheitsbänder eine großartige Lösung bietet, um dieses Problem zu verhindern. Da diese Bänder bisher unter dem Radar geflogen sind, haben wir beschlossen, die Nachricht zu verbreiten.

Wenn Sie Haken- und Ösenscharniere verwenden, sind Sie sicherlich in der Mehrheit. Dieses Scharnier war in Großbritannien bei den Torprofis schon immer unglaublich beliebt, weil es einfach und zuverlässig ist und seine Aufgabe erfüllt.

Leider bietet ein solch einfaches Scharnier nicht viel Sicherheit: Bei einem lockeren Sitz kann Ihr Tor ohne zusätzliches Werkzeug von Ihrem Pfosten manövriert werden. Jedes Jahr erscheinen in der lokalen Presse einige Artikel wie dieser (Polizei warnt vor einer Serie von Diebstählen auf Bauernhöfen – FW) , in dem Landwirte und Grundstücke vor einer weiteren Serie von Diebstählen gewarnt werden.

Es versteht sich von selbst, dass Schäden an Ihrem Eigentum, an Ihrem Vieh oder auch nur Reparaturen erhebliche Kosten ausmachen können!

Montage an Haken- und Ösenscharnieren

Die Abhilfe für dieses Problem ist die passende Sicherheitsmanschette. Er wird einfach auf den Haken des Scharniers geschoben und dient als Verschluss. Das Band funktioniert ähnlich wie ein Reißverschluss: Wenn es heruntergedrückt wird, lässt es sich nicht mehr hochschieben. Daher werden keine Befestigungsmittel, Klebstoffe oder ähnliches verwendet und das Band kann in Sekundenschnelle an Ihren Haken- und Ösenscharnieren angebracht werden.

Da das Band in den Größen 12 mm, 16 mm, 19 mm und 22 mm erhältlich ist, kann er für die meisten – wenn nicht sogar für alle – Haken- und Ösenscharniere sowohl für neue als auch für bestehende Installationen verwendet werden.

Das Konzept des Sicherheitsbandes

Passende Sicherheitsmanschette am Haken und Ösenscharnier am Tor
Haken- und Ösenscharnier mit angeschweißten Laschen. Passende Sicherheitsmanschette zur Befestigung auf der Oberseite des Scharniers
SCP passende Sicherheitsmanschette in verschiedenen Größen

Besuchen Sie die Produktseite hier für weitere Informationen oder bestellen Sie die passende Sicherheitsmanschette in Großbritannien bei unserem Vertriebspartner Signet: Die permanente Sicherheitsmanschette mit Schnellbefestigung – Signet-Schlösser.

Wenn Sie nach Haken- und Ösenscharnieren suchen, bieten wir diese auch hier an: Torhaken und -ösen – Signet-Schlösser.

Kontaktieren Sie uns  einfach, wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen!
